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2013年8月11日 星期日

SEND Poland 波蘭

SEND Poland works in Regional Impact Teams (RIT)which establishes reproducing churches in strategic urban centers, while facilitating other developing churches in the region.

Missionaries have established two churches and the RIT's are involved in two more pioneer church plants while facilitating and additional three through training and mentoring.
Missionaries connect with people through language schools, discussion and game clubs, sports and youth ministries, and a coffeehouse.
Poland is one of the traditional catholic countries in Europe yet the vast majority of Poles think God is irrelevant for daily life.
Few people work with teens and young adults and the traditional church is quickly losing influence among them.

Poles are filling the void with materialism, secularism, alcohol and pleasure-seeking. www.send.org/poland



Choosing the Right Focus to Serve in the Kingdom

Welcome to pray with us and hear more! Contact: send.ea.cm@gmail.com or find us on facebook.